©American Standard Inc. 2000 SCXG-SVX01B-EN
About This Manual
Literature Change History
Use this manual for commercial self-
contained models SCWG, SIWG, SCRG,
and SIRG. This is the original issue of this
manual. It provides specific installation,
owner maintenance, and diagnostic
troubleshooting instructions for “BO” and
later design sequences. The “BO” design
sequence includes the VFD option
change from Square D Altivar 66 to
Altivar 58. For information on previous
design sequences, contact your local
Trane representative.
Warnings and Cautions
Warnings in this manual indicate potential
hazardous situations that can result in
death or serious injury.
Cautions in this manual indicate potential
hazardous situations that may result in
minor or moderate injury and/or
equipment damage.
Disconnect electrical power
source before servicing unit to
prevent injury or death from
electrical shock.
Use only copper conductors for
electrical unit connections to
prevent equipment damage.
Common HVAC Acronyms
For convenience, a number of acronyms
and abbreviations are used throughout
this manual. These acronyms are
alphabetically listed and defined below.
BAS = Building automation systems
CFM = Cubic-feet-per-minute
CKT. = Circuit
CV = Constant volume
CW = Clockwise
CCW = Counterclockwise
E/A = Exhaust air
ECEM = Exhaust/comparative enthalpy
F/A = Fresh air
GBAS = Generic building automation
HGBP = Hot gas bypass
HI = Human Interface
HVAC = Heating, ventilation and air
IGV = Inlet guide vanes
I/O = Inputs/outputs
IOD= Installation/owner/diagnostic
IPC = Interprocessor communications
IPCB = Interprocessor communications
LH = Left-hand
MCM = Multiple compressor module
MWU = Morning warmup
NSB = Night setback
O/A = Outside air
psig = Pounds-per-square-inch, gauge
R/A = Return air
RH = Right-hand
RPM = Revolutions-per-minute
S/A = Supply air
SCM = Single circuit module
SZ = Single-zone (unit airflow)
TCI = Tracer
communications module
UCM = Unit control modules
VAV = Variable air volume
VCM = Ventilation control module
VOM = Ventilation override module
w.c. = Water column
WSM = Waterside module
ZSM = Zone sensor module
Special Note on Refrigeration
World environmental scientists have
concluded that ozone in our upper
atmosphere is being reduced due to the
release of CFC fully halogenated
The Trane Company urges all HVAC
service personnel to make every effort to
prevent any refrigerant emissions while
installing, operating, or servicing equip-
ment. Always conserve refrigerants for
continued use.