An elastic foot is available as an optional extra. This foot will
guide your elastic and at the same time apply pressure to the
elastic with our specially designed tension controlled roller,
allowing you to control the elasticity while sewing.
El pie el&stico es disponible como el suplement,
pie guiara su el&stico y tambien aplicar& la pr_
con el control de la tension del rodillo especialn
permitiendo de controlar ta elasticidad durante c
1. Replace regular foot with elasticator.
2. Set stitch length at about 4.
3. Slightly raise the roller portion of the foot and insert elastic
tape between the roller and the lower support bar as
illustrated, until the edge of elastic reaches the feed dog
4. Sew the elastic for about one inch (3 cm) or more to confirm
if the tape is properly sewn.
1. Reemplazar el pie normal con el pie el&stico
2. Fijar la Iongitud puntada en unos 4,
3. Levantar la porci6n de rodillo del pie y il
el&stica entre el rodillo y bajar la barra sopq
ve en el gr&fico hasta que el borde de ela
dientes de transporte.
4. Coser la cinta el&stica unos 3 cm o mas par_
cinta esta propiamente cosido.
5. Insert the fabric under the foot and sew together with the
5. Insertar el tejido debajo del pie y coser junl
6. Check the stitches to make sure they are correct end adjust 6.
tension (tighter) if necessary.
7. Adjust the tension control of the roller (t) so that the desired
finish can be obtained.
Comprobar las puntadas para asegurar que
y ajustar la tensi6n (m&s apretado) sl es aec_
Ajustar el control de la tension del rodillo I
acabado deseado se puede obtener.
a. Tighter tension of the roller gives more elasticity of the
fabric after it is sewn.
a, Tension mas apretada del rodillo da m&s
tejido despu_s de coser.
b, Weaker tension of the roller gives less elasticity of the b. Tension rnas flaca del rodillo da menos
_ tejido;
8. When tile right side of elastic is not even with right side of 8. Cuando el lado derecho de e!&stico no esl
fabric, remove the stitch finger A or change it to stitch finger lado derecho de material, quitar el dedo d,
B. Decrease the number of overedge cutting width dial. cambiarlo a B, Disminuir la anchura de costul
Three threads overlock with right needle or left needle is La Overlock de tres hilos con la aguja dere(
recommendable in accordance with the size of elastic.
es recomendado de acuerdo al tamaSo de el;