Chapter 5 Classical Feedback Analysis
© National Instruments Corporation 5-11 Xmath Control Design Module
Figure 5-4. Bode Plot Showing System Gain and Phase Margins
These plots illustrate how the location of the system poles and zeros shapes
the gain and phase curves. Each pole contributes a factor of –20 dB per
decade (frequency interval from ω to 2ω). The two poles at zero cause the
magnitude response of the system to start with a slope of –40 dB/decade.
The zero at 0.5 radians/sec (about 0.08 Hz) contributes a factor of
approximately 20 dB. These gain magnitude factors add, so the slope of the
gain plot changes from –40 dB/decade to about –20 dB/decade until you
begin to see the influence of the poles at 2 radians/sec. (0.318 Hz) and
10 radians/sec (1.59 Hz), each of which contribute another –20 dB/decade
to the slope of the magnitude plot.
The phase is a function only of the pole and zero locations. Notice that in
creating the phase plot with
bode( ), you specified the !wrap keyword.
This created a phase plot where range goes down to the full angle value of
the phase, rather than wrapping the phase between +
180°. Each pole at zero
contributes –90° of phase.
The remaining poles are called first-order poles because they are of the
following form:
gain margin
phase margin