Chapter 1 Introduction
© National Instruments Corporation 1-7 Xmath Control Design Module
One approach to stabilizing this system is to try to cancel the pole at
–0.656513 by adding a compensator, K
(s), with a zero at –0.656513.
Note It is important to understand that this is primarily an academic exercise. Accurate
pole-zero cancellations are impracticable in the real world, and the mode corresponding to
that pole still exists internally.
This compensator must have a pole for realizability, so you add one at –10,
which is far enough away that its effect on dynamic response will be small
compared to that of the system’s other modes. In addition, you need to add
a zero to the left of the positive (and unstable) poles to pull the closed-loop
system roots into the left half plane. Choose s = 0 for the zero location and,
again, select a corresponding pole at –10. Call this second compensator
(s). To create these two compensators:
You then can cascade them in series with the original system Gs (or ssys)
and examine the locus of closed-loop roots for varying total compensator
gain K
. The poles out at –10 have a smaller effect on the system dynamics
than do the poles closer to the origin, so you can use the optional
rlocus( ) keywords to zoom in on the part of the locus nearer the origin.
rlocus(K2s*K1s*Gs, {xmin = -2, xmax = 2})
The single input syntax activates interactive mode. A user interface lets
you change the gain through the Feedback Loop Gain slider and button.
The graphics window shows the closed-loop locus as a solid line, with the
open-loop poles shown as large
xs and the open-loop zeros shown as Os.
Increase the gain by moving the slider; notice the asterisks (
*) denoting
closed-loop pole location moving along the locus. The system is maximally
stable with total compensator gain K
= 2 as shown in Figure 1-2. In this
figure, small
xs denote the pole location for K
= 2, and the root locus gain
window shows settings.