Chapter 1 Introduction
Xmath Control Design Module 1-20 ni.com
Figure 1-12. Step Response of a Discrete System Using Discretized
Observer-Based Controller
As you discretize the compensator, form the closed-loop, scaled system,
and simulate its response to a step input, you must ensure that the sampling
interval is the same (
dt = 0.01).
sys_obcd = discretize(sys_obc, 0.01);
sys_cld = feedback(ssysd,sys_obcd)/51.76;
v_cld = step(sys_cld, 0:0.01:10);
plot (v_cld, {xlab = "Time", ylab = "Magnitude"})
The resulting response is shown in Figure 1-12.
Inverted Wedge-Balancing Problem: LQG Control
[HW91] discusses an approach to balancing an inverted wedge by
controlling the location of a sliding mass along the inside of the wedge.
This example illustrates use of optimal control with a multi-input,
multi-output (MIMO) system. This approach is based on minimizing a
quadratic performance index with weight values based on the natural
constraints of the system.