
Chapter 4 System Analysis
© National Instruments Corporation 4-3 Xmath Control Design Module
and define the zeros of S(λ) as any values of λ for which the system matrix
drops rank. For single-input single-output systems this is equivalent to the
polynomial zeros of the transfer-function numerator. This definition is
somewhat more complex for MIMO systems.
In terms of the dynamic response associated with the poles and zeros of a
system, a pole is said to be stable if the response it contributes decays over
time. If the response becomes larger over time, the pole is said to be
unstable. If the response remains unchanged over time, you describe the
pole that causes it as neutrally stable. All the closed-loop poles of a system
must be stable to describe the system as stable.
poles( )
p = poles(Sys)
The poles( ) function returns a vector listing all the poles of a system.
If the input system
Sys is in transfer-function form, poles( ) obtains the
poles from the roots of the transfer function’s denominator (which are
automatically stored if the system is in zero-pole format or if the roots have
been previously calculated). If
Sys is in state-space form, the poles are
computed as the eigenvalues of the A matrix. To see how to use
poles( )
with a system in transfer function form, refer to Example 4-1.
Example 4-1 Using poles( ) with a System in Transfer Function Form
H = 0.5*polynomial([-0.36])/...
ans (a column vector) =
-0.395 + 0.0630476 j
-0.395 - 0.0630476 j
zeros( )
[z,k] = zeros(Sys)
The zeros( ) function finds the invariant zeros, the values of λ at which
R(λ) = 0 and S(λ) lose rank, and gain is returned only for SISO systems
(of a system
Sys). If Sys is in transfer function form, the zeros are obtained