National Instruments 370753C-01 Fan User Manual

© National Instruments Corporation I-5 Xmath Control Design Module
rms, 6-32
root locus, plotting, 5-3
root-mean-square response, 6-32
sample period, extract with period, 2-10
sample rate, 2-4
choosing, 1-18
scale system output, 1-16
decomposition, 6-30
solver, 6-26
selection matrix for adding or removing
inputs, 3-9
sensitivity of states, determining, 4-17
serial, 3-1
series connection, 3-2
* operator, 1-16, 3-2
settling time, ts, 4-18
simulate performance of a closed-loop
system, 1-23
singular values, 6-35
singular-value decomposition, 6-36
SISO systems, 2-3
software (NI resources), B-1
square system, 3-5
checking for, 2-12
criteria, 5-8
criterion for Nyquist, 5-15
neutral, 5-9
stair, 6-9
algorithm, 6-3, 6-6
form, 6-9
covariance, 6-29
names, extracting, 2-11
sensitivity, determining, 4-17
transformation, 6-33
state-space system, 2-5
checking for, 2-12
controllable partition of, 6-3
convert to transfer function form, 1-5
decompose with abcd, 2-8
discrete, creating, 2-5
extracting transfer function polynomials
with numden, 2-10
modes of, 6-37
observable partition of, 6-6
steady state, 6-30
system response, 6-28
step, 1-9, 4-18
step response, 4-18
support, technical, B-1
system, 2-6
analysis, 2-7
cascaded, 5-21
connections, 3-1
continuous, 4-13
controllability, 6-4
controllable, 6-1
discrete, 4-13
general interconnection, 3-8
impulse input to, 4-13
initial values for states, 2-7
input names, 2-7
inverse, 3-3
keywords, 2-7
minimal, 6-1
objects, using check with, 2-12
observability, 6-4
observable, 6-1
output names, 2-7
reformat an existing system, 2-8
square, 3-5
states names, 2-7