Chapter 6 State-Space Design
Xmath Control Design Module 6-24 ni.com
simulate the system’s response to a slow sine input, starting with the cart at
rest and the pendulum initially held in the upright (φ = 0) position to obtain
Figure 6-7:
t = 0:0.01:15;
u = pdm([sin(t/2); zeros(t);zeros(t)],t);ycl =
[outNames] = names(ycl);
Set plot attributes for all three plots:
p1=plot ({xlab = "Time",ylab = "Amplitude",
columns = 1,rows = 3, hold})
for i = 1:3
p1=plot (ycl(i,1), {graph_number = i,
legend = outNames(i)});
The different y-axis scaling for each subplot is shown in Figure 6-7. This figure
shows φ and x as a function of time, starting from zero, as a result of a sinusoidal force
applied to the system input.