Operations (Step 6 Operations with a Web Browser)
6-4 Settings with a Web Browser (5. FTP Settings) (Continued)
Item Effect
FTP Function For enabling/disabling the FTP functions.
Snap Shot FTP Select here if JPEG images are to be uploaded to an FTP server regu-
Upload Interval Specify the interval with which images are uploaded to an FTP server.
(0 to 84600 seconds)
File name Specify the file name of an image to be uploaded.
*.jpg Uploading is performed with the file name entered here.
❈ Only one image file remains in the FTP server as files have the
same file name. (The latest image file overwrites.)
Time Stamp The current time, obtained from the NTP server, is used as the file name
for uploading in the form of “YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS-mmm”.
❈ As each file has an unique name for uploading, all image files
uploaded remain in the FTP server.
Username Enter the user name (up to 16 characters) to be used for verification with
the FTP server.
Password Enter the password (0 to 32 characters, shown as asterisks “ * ”) to be
used for verification with the FTP server.
Host IP Address Enter the IP address of the FTP server to which images are uploaded.
FTP Port Enter the port number of the FTP server to which images are uploaded.
FTP Folder Enter the folder name in the FTP server to which images are uploaded.
Set whether to cut off the connection during every upload.
Disconnect every time If this is selected, connection is cut off every time an image has been
Connection will be reestablished when the next image is uploaded.
Error Recovery Specify the action to be taken when an FTP error has occurred.
On connect error Specify the action to be taken when an error with TCP connection or
FTP verification has occurred.
Retry forever Error recovery is attempted until the power to VN-C10 is disconnected.
Retry for * min Error recovery is attempted for a specified period of time.
(1 to 600 minutes)
On transfer error Specify the action to be taken when a file transfer error has occurred
during image uploading.
Stop Uploading With the occurrence of a transfer error, the VN-C10 FTP function is auto-
matically disabled. Select here to enable the function again.
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