Page 2-2 Instruction 2772-0803
When input connections have been made, and
12 volts DC is available at J1 terminals #1 & 2,
leave the system connected overnight with system
switch, SW1, off during the recharge.
Each RIS power supply must be connected
to line voltage by a separate circuit back to
a main distribution point. The connection
should not be to a circuit that is liable to
be switched off at, say, the end of a shift.
Failure to observe this advice can result in
a deeply discharged battery, interrupted
RIS operation, and premature battery
failure. This is because an external
interruption of power will result in RIS
running on internal battery until it is
discharged, unless power is restored before
total discharge.
The circuit should be fused according to normal
practice and provided with a switch for use during
external wiring to standard and optional features
as required and according to the interface Figures
2-2 and 2-3. Observe the general guidance below.
2.4.4 RELAY OUTPUTS. The alarm and fault
relays, combined into a single output in a basic RIS,
are solid state semiconductor devices. The outputs
normally present the equivalent of a closed contact
to the external circuit and open on alarm or fault.
The output terminals at J1 terminal strip are
polarized and care is required when making connec-
tion to the external circuit.
The semiconductor device specification is
included in the Product Specifications and ratings
should be observed.
It is recommended that external relay coils, or
other devices, controlled by the RIS interface are
not energized from the 12 VDC input supply to the
RIS. This will avoid a possibility of overloading the
power supply.
2.4.5 ANALOG OUTPUTS. A 4 - 20 mA analog
output is available (as default) at the interface
terminal strip J1. An external analog instrument
may be connected to provide remote indication of
the measured concentration.
An optional 0 - 1 Volt analog output is avail-
able. To set the 0 - 1 Volt output, follow the proce-
dure in Section 2.7. The 20 mA, (or 1 Volt if appro-
priate), represents the maximum concentration
value for the particular RIS monitor.
2.5.1 RIS POWER SUPPLIES. The following
standard power supplies are available, higher
output alternatives can be offered where necessary.
See Chapter 5 for proper Power Supplies and Part
Numbers. ‘Single Point’. This power supply is
suitable for permanent installation to supply one
RIS plus one GMD Alarm Module.
AC Input: 100/120/220 VAC + 10% - 13%
230-240 VAC (47-63HZ) + 15% - 10%
Line: ± .05% for a 10% I/P change
Load: ± .05% for a 50% load change
Output Ripple: 5 mV peak to peak
Short Circuit and Overload Protection:
Auto current limit fold back
Temperature Rating: 0 to 50 °C full rated,
de-rate linearly to 40% at 70 °C
NEMA 3R rain tight
Meets US 50 type 3R LEC 529.IP32
Size 6.75" H x 4.375" W x 4.375" D
(172mm x 111mm x 111mm). ‘Multi Point’. This power supply is suitable
for permanent installation to supply multiple RIS/
Alarm combinations.
AC Input: 104-127 VAC, 208-254 VAC,
both 50-60 Hz.
Regulation: Combined Line & Load = ± 0.1%
Output Ripple: 10mV RMS
Short Circuit and Overload Protection: Auto
current limit fold back
Temperature Rating: 0 to 55 °C ambient
Temperature Coefficient: 0.03%/°C
Max. Output Current: 120% rated current
= 1.8x 120%=2.16A
Enclosure: NEMA 4X
Size* 10"H x7"Wx6.25"D
(254mm x 178mm x 159mm)
*including flanges and connectors.
The following table shows the combination of
RIS’s and Alarms that may be connected to one
‘Multi Point’ supply. Practical worst case conditions
are assumed to apply. See Table #1 for the High
Flow models.