Trane RT-SVX19A-E4 Thermostat User Manual

Clogged filter detector
This device is mounted in the filter
section. The sensor measures the
difference in pressure before and
after the filter section. The
information is sent to the THP03
thermostat, to a Tracker™ or to a
Smoke detector
This device is used to detect smoke
in the air stream. It includes a
factory mounted detector connected
to a central panel, both fitted in the
fan section.
When smoke is detected, it shuts off
the unit. A dry contact is available
on the control panel for a remote
High temperature safety
This additional safety device is a
manual reset thermostat for gas
fired units (YKD/YKH), required
mainly by the French ERP
regulation. It is located in the gas
burner section. It stops the gas
burner and the supply air fan when
the supply air temperature rises to
Remote fault relay
This is a factory mounted relay used
to send alarm signals (dry contact)
to a local BMS or a local control
panel. With this relay, the
compressor, heating, fan and power
supply alarm output signals from
the controller are reported to a
single dry contact.
6 thermostats are available:
THS01/THP01, THS02/THP02 and
"THS" are non programmable
thermostats, "THP" are
01 and 02 series are conventional
thermostat, 03 series are dedicated
to the controller.
Table 32 - Thermostats features
*some important features are lost while using the CTI card.
Note: thermostats are powered up by the rooftop control (24V)
non-programmable X - X - X -
programmable - X - X - X
electronic X X X X X X
unit control type design electromech. electromech. electromech. electromech. Reliatel Reliatel
interface card needed CTI* CTI* CTI* CTI* none none
for Cooling Only units X X - - X X
for Heat Pump units - - X X X X
for Gas Fired units X X - - X X
Cooling stages 2 2 2 2 2 2
auxiliary heating stages
(elec. heater, HWC )
2 2 1 1 2 2
heating stages
(heat pump mode)
none none 1 1 1 1
liquid crystal display
X X X X - X