If the clock speed adjust variable has already been set to a value other than 0 and the
speed is still too fast or too slow, ADD the required adjustment to the current value of the
variable. For example if the clock speed adjustment is already set to +10 and the clock is
5 seconds too slow per day, add +5 to the current value, yielding +15 as the new value.
4.6 Setting the CO concentration range
The CO concentration range is the concentration value that corresponds to the maximum
voltage output at the rear panel (usually 5 volts). The M300 can operate in one of three
analog output Range Modes. The Range Mode can be changed through the SETUP-
RNGE-MODE menu. The modes are described below:
4.6.1 Single range mode (SNGL)
In this mode, both analog outputs (REC and DAS) are set to the same range. This range
can be set to any value between 1 and 1,000 ppm and is accessed through the SETUP-
RNGE-SET menu. This is the default range mode for the analyzer.
4.6.2 Dual range mode(DUAL)
Selecting dual range mode will allow you to select different ranges for the REC and DAS
analog outputs. The two ranges are called Low and High. The REC output at the rear
panel is used for the Low range and the DAS output is used for the High range. To set
the ranges press SETUP-RNGE-SET and select which range you want to edit followed
by ENTR.
The High and Low ranges have separate slopes and offsets for computing the carbon
monoxide concentration. Therefore, the two ranges must be independently calibrated.
See Section 3.1.2 for details on calibrating the two ranges.
4.6.3 Auto range mode(AUTO)
In auto range mode, the analyzer automatically switches between the Low and High
range depending on the concentration. When the CO
concentration increases to 98% of
the Low range value, the analyzer will switch to the High range. The analyzer will
remain in the High range until the CO concentration drops to 75% of the Low range
value. It will then switch back to the Low range. Auto ranging changes the range for the
REC and DAS outputs simultaneously. To set the ranges press SETUP-RNGE-SET and
select which range you want to edit followed by ENTR.
The High and Low ranges have separate slopes and offsets for computing the carbon
monoxide concentration. Therefore, the two ranges must be independently calibrated.
See Section 3.1.2 for details on calibrating the two ranges.
4.7 Setting the analog output offset
In order to permit the Analyzer to connect to a wider variety of strip chart recorders and
other instruments, the analog output of the carbon monoxide readings can be adjusted by
up to
+500 mV for 0-5V range (or +10% of current analog output range) in software.
The default output offset is 0 mV. To change it, press SETUP-MORE-DIAG, press
P/N 02163G1 Teledyne API Model 300 CO Analyzer Instruction Manual - Page 41