Zero/span checking and calibration of the Teledyne API CO Analyzer is divided into two
sections. Chapter 3 discusses the different methods by which the Analyzer's zero and
span settings may be checked and adjusted. The emphasis in Chapter 3 is on the
operation of the buttons and the internal adjustments they make in the instrument.
3.1 Manual zero/span check
Operators can manually check the zero and span setpoints of the Analyzer while in
sample mode by allowing the instrument to sample calibration gas and pressing the CAL
button. This is also referred to as a multi-point calibration.
3.1.1 Zero Check
Allow the analyzer to sample zero air through the sample port. Press CAL button. After
a few minutes the CO reading should go to zero. If it doesn't, the operator may press the
ZERO button followed by ENTR. This will force the CO reading to go to zero and
modify the internal formulas used to compute the CO reading. If the ZERO button is not
displayed, this means that the zero reading is too far out of adjustment to do a reliable
calibration. The reason for this must be determined before the analyzer can be calibrated.
See Section 10.5 for troubleshooting calibration problems. Pressing EXIT will bring you
back to the Sample menu or you can leave the instrument in CAL mode if you are also
going to make a span check.
3.1.2 Span Check
Allow the analyzer to sample span gas through the sample port. Press CAL button. After
a few minutes the CO reading should be at the expected concentration. If the correct
concentration is not reached, then the instrument can be adjusted to read the correct
value. To do this, press CONC and enter the expected concentration for calibration. The
SPAN button should now be displayed on the front panel. Pressing SPAN and ENTER
will modify the internals formulas used to compute the CO reading. If the SPAN button
is not displayed, this means that the span reading is too far out of adjustment to do a
reliable calibration. The reason for this must be determined before the analyzer can be
calibrated. See Section 10.5 for troubleshooting calibration problems.
P/N 02163G1 Teledyne API Model 300 CO Analyzer Instruction Manual - Page 31