Chapter 3 Error Messages 37
The volume %s is already in use
Kernel The data volume in the remote mirror set is already in
use as a bitmap volume or a disk queue volume. Use a
different data volume.
Too many volumes given for update
PITC iiadm ran out of memory.
Unable to access bitmap
PITC During an enable operation, iiadm tried to validate
the bitmap device, but could not get access to it.
Unable to access master volume
PITC During an enable operation, iiadm tried to validate
the master device, but could not get access to it.
Unable to access set in core
PITC During a reset operation, iiadm was unable to find the
set listed in the kernel.
Unable to access shadow volume
PITC During an enable operation, iiadm tried to validate
the shadow device, but could not get access to it.
unable to access <vol>: <error>
RM The data volume cannot be accessed. Verify that the
data volume has been entered correctly and that it
exists on the system.
unable to add "<host>" to
configuration storage: <error>
RM An error has occurred preventing remote mirror from
accessing the configuration storage while trying to
update the options field.
Unable to add interface %s to %s
Kernel The remote mirror software was unable to add host
information to its configuration. Verify that the system
is not running low on memory.
unable to add "<set>" to
configuration storage: <error>
RM An error has occurred that prevents the remote mirror
software from accessing the configuration storage
database when trying to enable <set>.
unable to allocate memory for
cluster tag
RM System is running low on available memory.
unable to allocate pair_list array
for <rdc_max_sets> sets
RM System is running out of memory.
Unable to allocate <X> bytes for
bitmap file <vol>
RM The system is running low on available memory.
unable to ascertain environment
PITC iiadm tried to determine whether the host is part of a
cluster, but was unable to do so.
unable to ascertain environment
RM The remote mirror software was not able to determine
if the system is part of a SunCluster configuration.
unable to clear autosync value in
config for SNDR set <shost>:<svol>
RM Autosync could not be turned off for the remote mirror
set in the configuration file because of an error writing
to the configuration database.
unable to determine disk group name
for %s
PITC iiadm tried to find out to which cluster device group a
volume belonged, but was unable to do so.
TABLE 3-1 Error Messages for the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software (Continued)
Error Message From Meaning