■ Department report
Sales amount
Item deduction amount
“+” dept. counter
and total
Ratio of dept.
2 sales amount to
“+” dept. total
Ratio of dept. group 1
sales amount to
“+” dept. total
Group 1 total sales amount
Group 1 text
“+” department deduction
q’ty and total
“–” dept. counter
and total
“+” hash dept.
counter and total
“–” hash dept.
counter and total
“+” bottle return dept.
counter and total
“–” bottle return dept.
counter and total
Non-turnover 1 counter
and total
Dept. description
Sales q’ty
Dept. code
Item deduction q’ty
Group 1 total sales q’ty
Group 1 deduction total q’ty
Group 1 deduction total amount