■ Function selection 1 (continued)
• NON-TURNOVER (Use the selective entry)
IN. VAT: Enables non-turnover including VAT.
EX. VAT: Disables non-turnover including VAT.
• QTY IN VIP (Use the selective entry)
UPDATE: Updates the sales quantity of VIP sale.
NON: Does not update the sales quantity of VIP sale.
• CR IN RA/PO <Credit in PA/PO>(Use the selective entry)
UPDATE: Updates a credit totalizer when finalizing a received-on-account or a paid-out entry by a
credit key.
NON: Does not update a credit totalizer when finalizing a received-on-account or a paid-out entry
by a credit key.
Program each item as follows:
• SHIFT KEY ACT (Use the selective entry)
CAPS: Locks the upper-case letter mode once the shift key is
SHIFT: Shifts the upper-case letter mode to the lower-case letter
mode after a letter is entered.
• T-LOG FULL (Use the selective entry)
Programming whether or not to lock item entry when the T-LOG file is
• PAY FOR EX1 (Use the selective entry)
Payment for exchange1 amount
CASH: Cash only
ALL: All media
The screen continues.
■ Function selection 2
Your POS terminal enables you to select various functional selections.
• EX1 CALC. (Use the selective entry)
Exchange1 calculation method
DIVIDE: Division
MULTI.: Multiplication
• CLERK POPUP (Use the selective entry)
If a clerk is not sign on under the supervisor clerk, CLERK POPUP is displayed.
• ISBN PRICE (Use the selective entry)
Price entry after ISBN/ISSN code entry
• VMP FULL (Use the selective entry)
VMP EAN entry when the VMP file is full
• ADD-ON FULL (Use the selective entry)
Entry of EAN with add-on code when the EAN ADD-ON file is full.