Table 2. Furnace Airfl ow Data
CAPACITIES —Furnace Airfl ow Data continued
Model Heating External Static Pressure (Inches Water Column)
Number Input Motor Motor 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
*RL- (Btuh) Speed HP CFM Rise CFM Rise CFM Rise CFM Rise CFM Rise CFM Rise CFM Rise CFM Rise
High* 1280 - 1210 - 1180 - 1140 - 1090 - 1070 - 1030 - 990 -
040()-12 40,000 Medium 1/3 1140 - 1090 - 1060 - 1030 - 980 35 950 36 910 37 870 39
Low** 875 39 835 41 820 41 805 42 780 43 770 44 760 45 750 45
High* 1260 40 1190 43 1155 44 1120 45 1075 47 1030 49 980 52 940 54
060()-12 60,000 Medium** 1/3 1120 45 1070 48 1040 49 1010 50 960 53 930 55 890 57 850 60
Low 855 59 815 62 800 64 780 65 760 67 730 70 710 - 690 -
High* 1635 - 1585 - 1525 - 1460 46 1400 48 1330 51 1260 54 1180 57
080()-16 80,000 Med-High** 1/2 1435 47 1395 49 1350 50 1300 52 1255 54 1200 56 1150 59 1090 62
Med-Low 1230 55 1200 56 1165 58 1130 60 1090 62 1050 65 1000 68 960 71
Low 1050 - 1035 - 1010 - 980 - 950 - 910 - 870 - 820 -
High* 1600 53 1555 54 1500 56 1445 59 1380 61 1310 65 1240 68 1160 73
100()-16 100,000 Med-High** 1/2 1475 57 1435 59 1385 61 1335 63 1290 66 1240 68 1190 71 1130 75
Med-Low 1320 - 1290 - 1250 - 1215 - 1170 - 1120 - 1070 - 1020 -
Low 1150 - 1130 - 1110 - 1075 - 1040 - 1000 - 950 - 890 -
High* 2085 48 2035 49 1965 51 1910 52 1840 54 1780 56 1715 58 1630 61
120()-20 100,000 Med-High** 3/4 1925 52 1885 53 1835 55 1780 56 1730 58 1675 60 1615 62 1540 65
Med-Low 1720 58 1670 60 1630 61 1610 63 1570 64 1510 66 1465 68 1415 72
Low 1500 66 1495 69 1460 66 1430 70 1400 72 1365 73 1315 - 1265 -
( ) Can be C or N
* Factory Set Cooling Speed
** Factory Set Heating Speed
- Not Recommended
1. Airfl ow rates of 1800 CFM or more require two return air connections.
Data is for operation with fi lter(s).
2. Temperature rises in the table are approximate. Actual temperature rises may vary.
3. Temperature rises and airfl ows for external static pressures greater than 0.5 are for reference only.
These conditions are not recommended.