Set SETUP password to ...
This feature allows an additional password to be allocated just to
provide security for the set up mode. This can be used to prevent a
remote user accessing the system and altering the settings.
Default: None set
Note: To maintain security, passwords cannot be read back from the system. Care should be
taken to ensure passwords are not lost as this will require a new EEPROM chip to be
fitted to the DVST.
10.2 On Screen Titling
Set system ID string to ...
This is a 30 character title which appears on the front screen of the
DVST. When a transmitter sends to a receiver this title is transferred
from the transmitter and appears on the baseline of the receiving
Set current time in HHMM format
The time is based on the 24 hour clock. 4 digits must be entered.
Set current date in DDMMYY format
Date is always set as a six figure format.
Two optional messages are superimposed on camera images sent from the transmitter.
The first is the camera title and the second is the time and date.
Set camera title position
(default, 1)
When the images are transmitted the camera title appears at the top of
the screen. This setting adjusts the height of the camera title.
Set clock screen position
(default, 11)
When the images are transmitted the time & date appears at the
bottom of the screen. This setting adjusts the height of the time & date
Note: The range available for both TLPOS and TDPOS is from 1 to 11, 1 is at the top of the
screen and 11 at the bottom. Settings for TLPOS and TDPOS should be 2 numbers
apart to avoid overlap. Setting either value to 0 removes the text from the screen.
Page 44 Dedicated Micros Ltd
Calls DVST Installation Guide