28 AVWorks Installer/User Guide
3. Click Create. A dialog box appears prompting you to name the new macro group.
4. Type in a name. Click OK to save the name and return to the Macro
Groups dialog box. A tab with the new name appears.
To add macros to an existing group:
1. Select Macros - Confi gure from the Viewer. The Macros dialog box appears.
2. Click Group. The Macro Groups dialog box appears.
3. Click the macro group tab to alter. Windows and Sun are the default tabs.
If you have created a new group, you will see a tab for this group as well.
4. Click on the macro to add from the Macros Available pane on the left side
of the dialog box. Click the Add button. The macro appears in the Macros
in Group box. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to move the
macro up or down in relation to the other macros.
5. Repeat step 4 until all the macros to be grouped appear in the Macros In
Group box.
6. Click OK to accept the macro group and return to the Macros dialog box.
Click Cancel to leave this dialog box without saving changes.
To remove macros from an existing group:
1. Select Macros - Confi gure from the Viewer. The Macros dialog box appears.
2. Click Group. The Macro Groups dialog box appears.
3. Click the macro group tab to alter. Windows and Sun are the default tabs.
If you have created a new group, you will see a tab for this group as well.
4. Click on the macro to remove from the Macros in Group pane on the right
side of the dialog box. Click the Remove button. The macro appears in the
Macros Available box.
5. Repeat step 4 until all the macros to be removed appear in the Macros
Available box.
6. Click OK to accept the macro group and return to the Macros dialog box.
Click Cancel to leave this dialog box without saving changes.
Changing AVWorks Device Properties
You can alter device properties from the AVWorks Explorer Properties dialog
box including General, Network, Information and Connections. The General
tab allows you to change the device name, device type and the icon that will be
used to display the server in AVWorks. You may also assign the server to a site,