Chapter 3: Basic Operations 21
Expanding and refreshing your Video Viewer
You can adjust your view using the three buttons at the top of the Video Viewer
window. The first button allows you to align the mouse cursors, the second is
to refresh the video and the third allows you to expand the Video Viewer
window to encompass the entire screen. If you choose to expand the Video
Viewer window, the menu bar will disappear, but you will still see a small
floating palette with these three buttons and the Macros pulldown menu.
Figure 3.8: Full Screen Toolbar
To align the mouse cursors:
Click the Align Local Cursor button on the Viewer toolbar. The local cursor
will align with the cursor on the remote server.
To refresh the screen:
Click the Refresh Image button on the Viewer toolbar.
From the Viewer menu, select View - Refresh. The digitized video image will be
completely regenerated.
To enter full screen mode:
Click the Full Screen Mode button.
From the Viewer menu, select View - Full Screen. The desktop window will
disappear and only the accessed server desktop will be visible. The screen will
be resized up to a maximum of 1024 x 768. If the desktop has a higher
resolution, then a black background will surround the full screen image. The
floating toolbar will appear.
To exit full screen mode:
Click the Full Screen Mode button on the floating toolbar to exit full screen
mode and return to the desktop window.
Adjusting the Video Viewer window
You can adjust both the resolution and quality of the Video Viewer. You can also
expand your session to fit the entire screen or refresh the view at any time.