AMX ENV-VST-C Thermostat User Manual

ENV-VST-C - Operation / Reference Guide
AxLink Commands (Cont.)
MD Sets or changes the thermostat’s mode. Supported thermostat modes include Program, Vacation, or
Hold Temperature.
Vacation mode includes the heat, cool, humidify, and dehumidify setpoints to maintain, and the
duration of the Vacation mode in days and hours.
Hold Temperature mode includes the specified heat and cool setpoints to maintain.
Temperatures in the message are in the same temperature scale as set on the thermostat: F or C.
MD M<Mode> [H<HSP> C<CSP> U<HUSP> D<DUSP> Y<Days> R<Hours>]
Mode = P, V, H, or PH for Program, Vacation, Hold, or Permanent Hold. If you are setting Hold mode,
you must establish settings for HSP and CSP. If you are setting Vacation mode, you must establish
settings for all variables.
HSP = The heat setpoint to maintain in degrees in the scale set on the thermostat.
CSP = The cool setpoint to maintain in degrees in the scale set on the thermostat.
HUSP = The humidify setpoint to maintain in % RH.
DUSP = The dehumidify setpoint to maintain in % RH.
Days = The number of days to maintain Vacation mode.
Hours = The number of hours to maintain Vacation mode.
Sets the mode to Program.
SEND_COMMAND ’MD MV H60 C85 U40 D65 Y3 R6’
Sets the mode to Vacation with settings of heat setpoint: 60F, cool setpoint: 85F, humidify setpoint: 40%,
and dehumidify setpoint: 65% for 3 days and 6 hours. The thermostat calculates the end time by
retrieving the current time and adding the days and hours from the command to it.
Sets the mode to Hold with settings of heat setpoint 72F and cool setpoint 75F.
PG Sets the 7-day program. The Master sends the ?PG command to request the value of a program
configuration setpoint.
PG D<Day> SP<DaySP> HT<HeatSP> C<CoolSP> HM<HSP> DM<DSP> T<Time>
Day = Day of the week. An integer with a value of 0-6 where 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc.
DaySP = Time of day for a setpoint. An integer with a value of 1-4 where 1 = Wake, 2 = Leave,
3 = Return, and 4 = Sleep.
HeatSP = Heat setpoint for this day and setpoint. An integer with a value in degrees reported in the set
temperature scale, F or C.
CoolSP = Cool setpoint for this day and setpoint. An integer with a value in degrees reported in the set
temperature scale, F or C.
HSP = Humidify setpoint for this day and setpoint with a range of 0-100.
DSP = Dehumidify setpoint for this day and setpoint with a range of 0-100.
Time = The hour and minutes using a 24-hour clock for the start time of each setpoint
SEND_COMMAND ’PG D0 SP3 HT68 C72 HM30 DM50 T1900’
Sunday night setpoint, heat setpoint: 68F, cool setpoint: 72F, humidify setpoint: 30% RH, dehumidify
setpoint: 50% RH, 7:00PM start time.
The Master requesting the program configuration for the Thursday Wake setpoint.