sequence to the playlist by dragging and dropping it from a pad onto the list. You can also drag
and drop from the pads onto the workspace above them, if you prefer working in a horizontal
arrangement. Sequences can be inserted between existing sequences, and by dragging a
sequence directly over an another, the existing one will be replaced. The Sequence playlist shows
the following information:
• The BAR column shows the start measure of a sequence. This depends on the length of
the preceeding sequences. For example, if a sequence with a length of 4 bars is dragged
on Position 1 of the playlist, the next sequence will start at Bar 5.
• The SEQUENCE column shows the name of the played sequences. You can click on a
sequence to open a pop-up menu where you can exchange the sequence with another
• The LEN (Length) column shows the bar length of a sequence.
• The BPM column shows the tempo of a sequence in beats per minute.
• The RPTS (Repeats) column lets you define how often a sequence is going to be repeated.
Normally, a sequence is played only once, but you can expand it to four repeats, for
example. Up to 999 repeats are possible. The BAR column will automatically be updated
once you make changes for a sequence in the RPTS column. If set to HLD (Hold), a
sequence will go on playing until you activate on the STOP button.
In the PAD/ BANK section, all sequences are assigned to a pad. Unused empty sequences are
marked (unused). The pads can be used to easily drag and drop sequences into the sequence
playlist. You can also drag and drop from the pads onto the workspace above them, if you prefer
working in a horizontal arrangement.
In the SONG section, a song can be named by clicking on the song name. Clicking on the small
arrow to the right of the song name opens a pop-up menu to select one of the 32 songs the
Project can hold. You can also convert a song to a sequence, using the (CONVERT > SEQ)
function. Click on SONG LOOP to loop your song, so it will play continuously.
In the EDIT STEP section, you can manually insert a selected pad/ sequence behind a selected
sequence in the playlist (INSERT STEP). You can also delete a selected sequence from the
playlist (DELETE STEP).
In the STEP section, you can exchange the selected sequence in the playlist. The various fields
give you an overview of the play parameter of the chosen sequence.
X The following buttons are available in the MPC hardware’s display, when a song is playing.
SUDDEN switches to the next sequence before the MPC software has finished playing back
the current sequence. This is useful in live performances, if you need to switch to the next
sequence at a certain cue. NEXT jumps to the next sequence at the end of the current
sequence. These buttons can be also used in conjunction with HOLD to get the MPC out of a
HOLD sequence.
 If you want to learn more about how to create a song, please refer to the Quick Start Tutorial
chapter on Page 18.
This section is identical to the Project Information in Main mode. For further information please
read the chapter "Main Mode."