touch the top of one the Q-Link knobs, the corresponding parameters will jump to either its
minimum (Min) or maximum (Max) value.
• In the PAD pop-up menu, you can select the desired Pad / sample you’d like to control. We
recommend using Q1 for Pad A01, Q2 for Pad A02 etc., so your controller mapping is
easier to remember.
• In the PARAM (Parameter) field, you can open a pop-up menu with the parameter you
want to assign to the Q-Link knob. The following parameters are available:
o Sample Layer allows you to switch between sample layer 1 to 4. Keep in mind that
to use this function, you need to have different samples assigned to the layers.
o Tuning controls the sample’s pitch.
o Filter Cutoff controls the cutoff frequency of the Filter. The filter type for a given pad
is chosen in PROGRAM EDIT mode.
o Filter Resonance controls the resonance value of the Filter.
o Filter Env Amount controls the filter envelope amount.
o Qlink Pan controls the sample’s panning position in the stereo field.
o Level controls the sample’s volume level.
o Env Attack controls the attack time of the Amp Envelope.
o Env Decay controls the decay time of the Amp Envelope.
o Env Release controls the release time of the Amp Envelope
o SEND 1 to 4 controls the corresponding FX send levels for the selected pad.
• In the CHANGE field, you can open a pop-up menu to select the condition for changing a
parameter. In most cases, you will work with Continuous, which changes the sound
immediately by changing the Q-Link knob. If Note On is selected, the sound will be affected
by the position of the Q-Link knob at the time its corresponding pad is hit. But the sound
will not be affected by changing the Q-Link knob after hitting the pad.
If Midi is selected in the INSTRUMENT section, the Program
mode will look slightly different. To control a desired parameter
of an external sound generator by MIDI, you can define a MIDI
CC (MIDI Control Change). This can be any MIDI Control
Change from 1 to 128 for every Q-Link knob. Make sure that your external MIDI device is able
and set to recognize MIDI control change data.
Click on the FX button to activate the FX mode for the Q-Link
knobs. The next steps describes how to assign an effect
parameter to a Q-Link knob in the MPC software:
 Keep in mind that you have to load an effect before its parameters can be assigned to the Q-
Link knobs. All effects loaded to the pads or to the track, independent from their routing, can
be used for parameter assigning.
X On the MPC hardware you can touch the top of a Q-Link knob to select it.
• First, click on the Q-Link knob and move the mouse to select it for assigning. The QLINK
field will show the number of the selected knob.
• Click on the TRIG field to open a pop-up menu for selecting Min or Max. When you hold
down the Q-Link Trigger button on your MPC hardware and touch the top of one the Q-