Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show fabric channel
show fabric channel
To display Switch Fabric Module information, use the show fabric channel command.
show fabric channel counters {mod | all} [hex]
show fabric channel utilization
show fabric channel switchmode [mod]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines The term “CEF720” refers to any module that has a part number that conforms to WS-X67xx-xxx (such
as WS-X6724-SFP). These modules connect to the integrated 720-Gbps switch fabric on the
Supervisor Engine 720 and to the 32-Gbps switching bus.
Note The integrated 720-Gbps switch fabric is supported only on Supervisor Engine 720.
The term “CEF256” refers to any module that has a part number that conforms to WS-X65xx-xxx (such
as WS-X6548-GE-TX), the Optical Services Modules, the enhanced FlexWAN module, and most service
modules (such as the FWSM, the SSLM, the VPNSM, the NAM-1, the NAM-2, the IDSM-2, the CSG,
and the CMM). These modules connect to either the integrated 720-Gbps switch fabric on the Supervisor
Engine 720 or to the external 256-Gbps Switch Fabric Modules that are supported by the
Supervisor Engine 2, and these modules connect to the 32-Gbps switching bus.
Note The external Switch Fabric Modules are supported only with Supervisor Engine 2 in the
Catalyst 6500 series switch.
A non-fabric-enabled module is not included in the CEF720 or CEF256 categories. These modules have
no fabric connections and connect only to the 32-Gbps switching bus.
counters Displays fabric channel counter information.
mod Number of the fabric-enabled module.
all Displays counters for all fabric-enabled modules.
hex (Optional) Displays counters in hexadecimal format.
utilization Displays fabric channel utilization information.
switchmode Displays switch mode and fabric channel status.