Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
clear mls statistics entry
clear mls statistics entry
To clear statistics for MLS entries, use the clear mls statistics entry command.
clear mls statistics entry [ip | ipx] all
clear mls statistics entry ip [destination ip_addr_spec] [source ip_addr_spec]
[protocol protocol] [src-port src_port] [dst-port dst_port]
clear mls statistics entry ipx destination ipx_addr_spec
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines If you specify the ip keyword or do not enter a keyword, the command supports IP MLS. If you specify
the ipx keyword, the command supports IPX only.
When you remove an MSM from the Catalyst 6500 series switch, it is removed immediately from the
inclusion list and all the MLS entries for the MSM are removed.
ip (Optional) Specifies IP MLS.
ipx (Optional) Specifies IPX MLS.
all Purges all matching MLS entries.
destination (Optional) Specifies the destination IP address.
ip_addr_spec (Optional) Full IP address or a subnet address in these formats: ip_addr,
ip_addr/netmask, or ip_addr/maskbit.
source (Optional) Specifies the source IP address.
protocol protocol (Optional) Specifies additional flow information (protocol family and protocol
port pair) to be matched; valid values are from 0 to 255 or ip, ipinip, icmp, igmp,
tcp, and udp.
src-port src_port (Optional) Specifies the source port IP address; valid values are from 1 to 65535,
dns, ftp, smtp, telnet, x (X-Windows), www.
dst-port dst_port (Optional) Specifies the destination port IP address; valid values are from 1 to
65535, dns, ftp, smtp, telnet, x (X-Windows), www.
ipx_addr_spec (Optional) Full IPX address or a subnet address in these formats: src_net/[mask],
dest_net.dest_node, or dest_net/mask.