Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
clear qos autoqos
clear qos autoqos
To return the global automatic QoS configuration to the factory default settings, use the clear qos
autoqos command.
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Defaults This commands has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines QoS ACLs created through the set port autoqos commands are cleared through the global automatic
clear qos autoqos command. Also, any policers used by automatic QoS ACLs are cleared.
The global automatic QoS clear command searches for automatic QoS ACL names. The search
algorithm looks for names beginning with the following strings:
• ACL_IP-PHONES (for ciscoipphone)
• ACL_IP-SOFTPHONE (for ciscosoftphone)
• ACL_IP-TRUSTCOS (for trust cos)
• ACL_IP-TRUSTDSCP (for trust dscp)
Any QoS ACL starting with the above strings is considered an automatic QoS ACL and is cleared. If one
is found and the QoS ACL is committed and not mapped to a port or a VLAN, it is deleted.
Similarly, the search algorithm looks for aggregate QoS policers starting with this name:
POLICE_SOFTPHONE-DSCP (for ciscosoftphone).
The global clear command searches for aggregate policer names that begin with
POLICE_SOFTPHONE-DSCP. If a policer is found, and there is no QoS ACL associated with it, it is
deleted. If a policer is found, and there is a QoS ACL associated with it, a warning is displayed indicating
the policer is still in use.