
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
clear dot1x vlan-group
clear dot1x vlan-group
To clear a VLAN from a VLAN group, use the clear dot1x vlan-group command.
clear dot1x vlan-group {all | vlan_group_name [vlan | all]}
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Types Privileged.
Usage Guidelines When an existing VLAN is cleared from the VLAN group name, none of the ports authenticated in the
VLAN are cleared, but the mappings are removed from the existing VLAN group.
If you clear the last VLAN from the VLAN group name, the VLAN group is deleted.
You can clear a VLAN group even when active VLANs are mapped to the group. When a VLAN group
is cleared, none of the ports or users that are in the authenticated state in any VLAN within the group
are cleared, but the VLAN mappings to the VLAN group are cleared.
If you enter the clear dot1x vlan-group vlan_group_name command without a vlan value or the all
keyword, the entire VLAN group is cleared.
Examples This example shows how to clear a VLAN from a VLAN group:
Console> (enable) clear dot1x vlan-group engg-dept 4
Vlan 4 is successfully cleared from vlan group engg-dept
Console> (enable)
This example shows the message that displays when you clear the last VLAN from a VLAN group:
Console> (enable) clear dot1x vlan-group engg-dept 3
No active vlans are mapped to this vlan group engg-dept, Clearing this vlan group
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to clear an entire VLAN group:
Console> (enable) clear dot1x vlan-group engg-dept all
Dot1x vlan group engg-dept is cleared.
Console> (enable)
all Clears all 802.1X VLAN groups.
vlan_group_name 802.1X VLAN group to be cleared.
vlan (Optional) VLAN number; valid values are from 1 to 4094.
all (Optional) Clears all VLANs from the 802.1X VLAN group.