Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set qos wred
set qos wred
To configure the WRED threshold parameters for the specified port type, use the set qos wred command.
set qos wred port_type [tx] queue q# {[thr1Lo:]thr1Hi} {[thr2Lo:]thr2Hi}...
Syntax Description
Defaults The default thresholds are as follows:
• For 1p2q2t = 40:70 (threshold1) and 70:100 (threshold2) (low:high percentage)/queue
• For 1p3q1t = 70:100 (low:high)
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines The queue values range from 1 to 3. Queue 4 is the strict-priority queue and does not have an associated
WRED threshold. The thresholds are all specified as percentages ranging from 1 to 100. A value of 10
indicates a threshold when the buffer is 10 percent full.
The colon between the low and high threshold values is required.
Examples This example shows how to configure lower and upper threshold values for queue 1:
Console> (enable) set qos wred 1p2q2t queue 1 20:60 40:90
WRED thresholds for queue 1 set to 20:60 and 40:90 on all WRED-capable 1p2q2t ports.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to configure the upper threshold value for queue 1:
Console> (enable) set qos wred 1p3q1t tx queue 1 20
WRED thresholds for queue 1 set to 0:20 on all WRED-capable 1p3q1t ports.
Console> (enable)
port_type Port type; valid values are 1p2q2t, 1p2q1t, 1p3q1t, and 1p1q8t.
tx (Optional) Specifies the parameters for output queuing.
queue q# Keyword and variable to specify the queue to which the arguments apply; valid values
are 1 through 3.
thr1Lo (Optional) Percentage of the lower threshold size for the first WRED curve; valid
values are from 1 to 100.
thr1Hi Percentage of the upper threshold size for the first WRED curve; valid values are from
1 to 100.
thr2Lo (Optional) Percentage of the lower threshold size for the second WRED curve; valid
values are from 1 to 100.
thr2Hi Percentage of the upper threshold size for the second WRED curve; valid values are
from 1 to 100.