9.1 Controller with RS-232-C port
The system bus connection is located at the back of the controller housing (RJ-12 jack).
In this case, the controller can be connected either directly to the serial interface of a PC
(point-to-point connection) or to a (dial-up) modem. A dial-up modem is required if the control
ler is to be connected to the telecommunications network. In this case, the controller works au
tonomously and can issue an alarm call to the building control station when errors occur. By
pressing the enter key when the time appears on the display, the following status information is
FrEE: No communication, but the modem is ready
PAUSE: Interval between dialing has not yet elapsed since the last attempt
Conn: Connection currently established
RinG: Incoming call
Init: Modem is initialized
(appears only briefly, if it appears for longer period, the modem has not
responded with” OK“ and ATZ (–> page 70) is repeated)
CALL: Controller dialing control
EndE: Connection is cut
Additionally, the building control station can dial the controller, poll it and send it new data af-
ter writing to the holding register no. 92 with valid key number.
The Alternative recipient function is used by the controller after a programmable number of di-
aling attempts to the building control station has been completed.
If a wrong key number has been written toholding register no. 92 for the third consecutive time,
the controller immediately interrupts the modem connection and generates an alarm (Unautho
rized access occurred). As a result, thecall to the configured control system is triggered. Bit D15
is deleted as soon as the error status register has been read by the control system and the con
nection has been terminated.
In special cases, the Lock dial-up function can be selected to stop dial-up in case an error oc
curs. Using the Dial-up also upon corrected error function, the controller additionally informs
the building control station when a previously signaled error no longer persists.
EB 5476 EN 67