6.3 DHW heating with solar system (Anl 2, 3, 4, 5 und 9)
The systems Anl 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9 include a solar system for DHW heating. In these systems, the
difference between the temperatures measured at storage sensor SF2 and the sensor at the so
lar collector CF is determined. The
Solar pump ON
parameter determines the minimum temper
ature difference between sensors SF2 and CF required to activate the solar pump. If the temper
ature difference falls below the value of
Solar pump OFF,
the solar pump is switched off. Ba
sically, the solar pump is also switched off when the water temperature measured at sensor SF2
has reached the
Solar charging OFF
The times-of-use of the DHW circuit do not have any influence on the operation of the solar sys
tem. After the key number 1990 has been set, the operating hours of the solar pump are dis
played in extended operating level.
WE Configuration
Storage tank sensor SF2 FB15 = ON, select “CF“
WE Range of values
Solar circuit pump ON 10 °C 0 to 30 °C
Solar circuit pump OFF 2 °C 0 to 30 °C
Solar charging OFF 70 °C 20 to 90 °C
6.4 DHW heating in instantaneous heating system (Anl 6)
The controller regulates the DHW outlet temperatureof the heat exchanger according to the ad-
DHW temperature
The circulation pump works according tothe time schedule. We strongly recommend to operate
the circulation pump during times-of-use of the DHW circuit (–> section 6.5).
To keep temperature peaks caused by load changes as small as possible, it is absolutely neces
sary that a temperature sensor with short response times (e.g. Type 5207-xx6x Pt 1000 Sen
sor) to measure the DHW outlet temperature. In addition, an actuator with a transit time of
around 20 seconds should be used.
The control parameter setting has great influence on the control accuracy in the case of DHW
heating in instantaneous heating systems.
WE Range of values
DHW temperature 55 °C 20 to 90 °C
EB 5476 EN 53
Functions of the DHW circuit