5.1.2 4-point characteristic
The 4-point characteristic allows you to define your own heating characteristic.
It is defined by 4 points for the
Outdoor temperature
, the
Flow temperature
and the
Return flow
. The
Set-back difference
at points 2 and 3indicates how much the flow temperature
is reduced outside the times-of-use. The
Max. flow temperature
Min. flow temperature
rameters mark the upper and lower limits of the flow temperature.
WE Configuration
Characteristic OFF FB19 = ON
WE WE* Range of values
Outdoor temperature, point 1
Outdoor temperature, point 2
Outdoor temperature, point 3
Outdoor temperature, point 4
–15 °C
–5 °C
5 °C
15 °C
–15 °C
–5 °C
5 °C
15 °C
–30 to 20 °C
Flow temperature, point 1
Flow temperature, point 2
Flow temperature, point 3
Flow temperature, point 4
70 °C
55 °C
40 °C
25 °C
50 °C
40 °C
35 °C
20 °C
20 to 130 °C
Return flow temperature, point 1
Return flow temperature, point 2
Return flow temperature, point 3
Return flow temperature, point 4
65 °C
50 °C
35 °C
20 °C
20 to 90 °C
Set-back difference, points 2, 3 20 °C 5 °C 0 to 50 °C
Max. flow temperature 90 °C 50 °C 20 to 130 °C
42 EB 5476 EN
Functions of the heating circuit
Fig. 3 · 4-point characteristic
P1 to P4 Points 1 to 4
Flow temperature
Outdoor temperature
... min Minimum flow temperature
... max Maximum flow temperature
----- Set-back characteristic