Cross Stitch [_
Set I:ha M_.c.hi_e
Tile Stitch and Its Uses
You can make beautiful designs with this
embroidery stitch pattern, in half the t_me
_t would take if embroidered by hand. You
can also combine cross stitches with the
other decorative patterns and letters or
o#mbers |or attractive samplers and other
sewing pro!ects_
Here's How
i. Choose a plain close weave fabric such a_ linen
or wool flannel for the background fabric.
2. If yo_ choose ti_jht weight fabric, use a tear-
away fabric backing for support.
3. Adjusl the stitch w_dth and length as you
desire to malch the pattern you have or plan,
4. Find the center ot the design, or if the desLgn
_Sa border, choose a starting point.
5, Count the cross sIitches from the center up
and program the number.
ISee p, 92_., Pattern Singte Umts.)
Use Auto, Lock to begin and encL
For Cross-Stitching Without a Pattern:
IF. Start in the center of the destgn and sew the
{irst row, letting the taboo teed naturally.
2. Then count the next row el stitches to the
leltor r=ght.
3. Add or delete stitches by pressing the Clear
button and teprogrammmg,
4. Begin each row by lowering] the needle at the
corner of a previous stitch.
5. Use the placement, arrow " z_ " on Foot F to
insure straight, even rows.