DecoratewithGeometricPatterns[] _ []
Set the P,_achine
Thread te_sio_
Tile Stitches and Their Uses
Thet;e stitches are purely decorative.
YOU can SeW On_ rUW or several or var_ the
stitch width and length fur special el{eeLs.
Experiment on a scrap ut fabrtc to see what
spemal effect_are p0ssib|e.
Here's Huw
"{. Adius! the stitch width and length as
you destre.
2. Practicethe stitchon a scrapof fabric.
3. Mark the lines lot decoration on the
|abr_c, using a washable |ahr]c marker,
4. Lower the needle at the starting point,
5- Lower the presser tOOt.
6- Luck t_,e StlICh at the beginning (press
7. Gently guide the fabric atong the
marked line,
B. Use the auto-lock to secure the row el
stitches at the and,
Helplul Hint
You may wan[ tu cumbine these geumelr_c
decuratlve stitches with uther decorative
sbtches. See "Programming Oecoratwe
Sthch Patterns" {P-9._0)tot detailedinstrUc*