o Presser Foot Types
A. Zigzag Foot
A: Zi#za{$ tQo_
Use this foot tot bath stra=ght
and z=gzag st=rching.
The black b_ttoft on the right
side ot the toot sets the toot to
tomato r_gld SO that you can
sew on heavy fabrics,
(See p. 35 tot detailed _nstruo
Stitch Patterns: _ _
D, Quilter
Dz O_ilter
This toot _sespemal|y constru-
cted tar shtching and!or over-
casting seams. The sma[_ brush
and wire guides he|p control
the labric, hold the raw edge
m p_ace and keep tt from
puckering, espeeJal|y when
sewing on knit ;abr_cs.
You may use thSs |oat for "_be
_egu[ar z_gzag stitch {_ or
with the overedge sutch _,
See p, 62 and 64 _ 65 for derails,
Stitch Patterns: _, _ aad
This attachment turns your
ztgzag toot fnto a quilting l;oot.
See p. 54 tot detailed _nstruc-
Stitch Pattern:
This |oat can be set to sew on
each side at your zipper.
The edges ot the toot gu_de the
zipper and keep the seam
For deta_ts on Sewing zipperS,
see p. 39 _ 4 I,
Stitch Pattern:
F. Satm Stitch Foot
F: _ati$_ S/{tC'h
Use this transparent tOOt _Of
outlinmg applique and Cut.Out
Work. as we_l as _or el| your
Decorative St_tch{nrj and
StitchPatterns; _ _