Dear Homemaker.
You have lust purchased a Kenmore t O0 Stitch seWmg machine that can, with some easy setting by you,
do both decorative and utility sewmg more quickly and accurately than you ever dreamed possible.
This machine can take the guesswo[k, the l_ustratmg tr_a| and error out at sewmg, wrtually elimloat=ng
hand-sewing. BY just pressing a button or two, you can sew a seam or smock a dress, reinforce a sleeve
or dam socks, create a border or embroider a sampler.
This mantra| wil_ show you how to pertorm these wonders, making yo_Jr sewmg creations and crafts the
'°talk at the town'*, and make you the "star at the bazaar"
You can also program this machine to autornat_ca|ty sew your borders and monogram your clothing], and
It "_viHremember the entire sequence and _epeat _t when you press the toot control agam
Practice makes an expert ! Follow these directions and suggestions earetuliy. Go! to know your
machine mtfmateIy and it wil_ _.urn your sewing tasks iota a |oy
These _ostructtons will help you obtain the b_st sewing results and avoid _-.foneeessary setwce expense tar
conditions beyond our control. Advice on the operation and care at your machine =salways available at
your nearest _;ears Retail S_ore. Please rememb0r, if you |'_ave questions aboo! your machine, always
mention '[he model number and serla| number when you inquire.
Write them here, tar easy relerence: Mode| No, 385-
Serial No,