Adjust the Top Thread Tens=on
T{)ps_c_eo{ l_b_ic
Too_ %7
For StraightStitch
The ideal stra=ght stitch will haue threads {oeked between The two layers o_"
fabric, as shown above, magnified to show detail
tf you look, at the stitch, front and back, you will notice _hat there are no
gaps, {hateach stltch_ssmooth and even.
When adjusting top thread tension, the higher the number, the ughler the top
Choose the Correct Tension:
The best t_oslon will depend on;
!he stiffness and thickness ot the fabrle
the number of fabnc layers
the type Ot _tl_._;h
The lop ltlre_
is too loo_.
T_I_ IOI) thread
appearson III_'
Tension tStOO |OI3se:
The top tl_read shows through the
bottom ot the _abr{c. Tbe botlom
side ol the stitch will feel bumpy.
Top s_e ,.--'_ ,
"rh_'bobbin lb_eotl
al_peats o_ilhe
t_pet s,uda_:e of )he
Tens_ol__stoo tl_cjht;
The bobbin thread will come through
the top at the fabr=c, The top side
at the stitch will feel bumpy,