DirectEntry Stitch Buttons Memo_ Button
Clear Button
You can set each of lol|owing most frequently used stitches
by pressing bust one button, The pattern indicator screen
wi|| show the selected pattern number.
You can also sElEct these patterns by pressing pattern
selection buttons.
Stitch No.i Stitch il|ostratfon
14 AAi_AAA
15 _XX//t _ Overedge Stitch
i yW y B.od.emSt.oh
Name of Stitches
Straight Stitch
Straight Stretch Stitch
Lock-A-Marie Stitch
MEnding Stitch
Zigzag Stitch
The Memory Button. with Its LED Light.
will "memorize" your pattern selection.
Your machine can remember up to 3_
stitch patterns. Including the Auto.Lock.
which automatmally rEmlorces or locks
the stitch you have chosen. T'nis button
IS most typically used when monogram-
ruing or combining patterns,
To Set the Memory:
Press th_ Memory Button a|ter you select
your stitch p_tttern. The LED bight wilt
go on to show that the machine has
record0d your selection.
NOTE: I{ you are selecting a series oJ
different stitch patterns, you
must press the memory button
alter Each sElectlon,
ll_e machine Kenmore 100
Stitch will remember them in
The Clear Button will Erase the stitch
pattern you have selected and automati-
cally return your machine to _] the
strmght stitch pattern.
The ClEar Button works in two ways to
clear a series ot stitch patterns, depend{ng
on whether you have pressed the loot
I. Foot Control Not Pressed:
The C_ear Button clears one stitch
pattern at a time. beginning with the
!aSt selected and ending with the first
selected until it comes to "10" prtor
to editing. This attows you tocorrect
any m_stakes made while program.
mmg a series o_ patterns, The Clear
Button will delete all stitches at once
if pressed alter editing.
2. Foot Control Pressed:
The Clear Button deletes all stnch
patterns m the series at once, The
indicator returns to _ .
NOTE: Turning off the machine will
clear the memory completely.