Hemming and Edging Stitches
= Blind Hem Stitch (stretch}
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The Sthches and Their Uses
[_. [_, [_, [], [] and [] (Continued)
Blind HemStitch (woven}
_Li_|_| W_i_hl Fa/ogle
jo "V8
Heavy Wei_hl Fabric;
Here's HOw
The stretch Blind Hem Stitch _ |s to be
t. Finish the raw edge at your hem any way you des=re, (See Overcasting, p. __22)
2_ Measure, turn op your hem and pro.
NOTE: For light weight tahr_es0 you may need a double told.
used for stretch tabrlc.s because |t _s the 3.
stronger and more eIastm of the blind hem
stitches. 4,
The regularblind item St|t(th_ IS strong
enough for woven tebr|es.
Fold the mater|al {Bottom side out) on the edge to be stitches, as shown, leaving 1/8" el the finished hem edge
Turn the sliding guide screw so that the sliding guide |s very close {t/16") to the lett side at the blind hem toot.
Place the told of the hem aga|nst the sliding guide so thai the t/8" extending edge shows on the t|ght.
The long zigzag stitch should barely p|etce the folded edge of the fabric, hut still sew on the 1/8" extended
edge. See at tett tar proper st|tch appearance.
After hemming0 p_ess both sides at the finished hem. The r|ght side of the garment witt show only the blind
Hetptul Hint
Heroin|rig Thin Fabrics:
Reduce pressure on the presser loot to avoid a dist|nct line.