
ISACC Instruction Manual
Following the voice status report, ISACC allows you to turn on or off one of the
digital outputs (1-10) using a touch-tone telephone. At the end of the report, you
have 5 seconds to enter a touch-tone command. To switch an output:
1. Using the touch-tone phone keypad, enter the number of the output you
want to manipulate (1, 2, 3, 4 ,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 0 for 10) within 5 seconds.
2. To turn the output on, press 1.
3. To turn the output off, press 0.
4. ISACC will say "OK."
5. ISACC will wait 5 seconds for another command. To manipulate another
output, repeat above steps.
6. If ISACC does not receive a command within 5 seconds, the unit will say
"Have a good day," and then hang up.
At any time the unit is idle (not dialing out or communicating locally), you can call
into it for a status report. If you call using a modem, ISACC will answer after its
programmed rings until answer and allow you to go online. At this point you have
entered an online session identical to the local programming session and may
program or interrogate as long as needed.
ISACC is capable of logging and storing up to 512 data log records. Each record
contains the present value of all 16 inputs with a time stamp. The time between
logs is user programmable. At any time, you may access the system to display log
information on a terminal or PC monitor, or print the log information to a printer
hooked up to the built-in RS232 serial port (requires a C program). You may
retrieve the data log remotely by terminal or PC.
When 512 records have been logged, ISACC will overwrite the oldest records with
new records. The data log records can also be formatted to be imported into a
spreadsheet software program.
The data log is a separate function within the ISACC programming that runs
independently of other operating features.
ISACC provides you with the option to use an external modem with the unit.
There are two reasons to use an external modem. One is to gain a faster transmis-
sion rate. The fastest available internal modem speed with ISACC is 1200 bps.
Modems that transmit at 9600 bps can be used through the serial port.
The second is that you may need to use a modem with error-checking capability.
If you have poor phone service or are using a cellular phone service, considerable
noise may be generated over the phone line that may prevent data from being
transferred. An external modem with error-checking capability will solve this
problem. NOTE: If you use an error-checking modem for this purpose, you must