2.1 Design of Screen
The design of the screen is shown below.
- Title Bar
Displays the title of the screen.
- Menu Bar
Displays the functions that can be performed using the current
Click on an item and a sub-menu or message screen will
appear, as shown in the illustration.
If a sub-menu appears, further function selections can be made.
- Function Display / Operating Section
Displays the contents of the screen and the operation to be performed.
2.2 Operating Method
The following operations are performed by mouse.
(1) Click
Align the mouse pointer with the desired button and press the left button on the mouse. This is known as
a click.
In general, all maintenance tool operations are performed with click operations.
(2) Drag
A drag is when the mouse pointer is moved while the left button is held down.
If you desired to check the bottom screen when two or more screens are being displayed on top of each
other, align the mouse pointer with the title bar of the top screen and drag it. The bottom screen can now
be seen.
2 Terms for Each Section
(Example of what the screen looks
like when option is clicked.)
Menu Bar
Function Display /
Operating Section
Title Bar