(d) Other setting
You may select the mail address of maintenance tool PC itself and the Com port to be used.
* To use the E-mail mode, mail setting is essentially required.
[Mail setting of maintenance tool PC]
POP server (Receiving)
- POP server address
Set the IP address of the receiving mail server(POP3)
of Maintenance Tool or domain name.
- POP account
Set the POP account (user ID) for mail receiving.
- POP password
Set the user password for mail receiving.
- POP receive interval
Select the mail receiving interval.
The default value represents 5sec.
It can be selected within a range of 5 ~180sec.
Extend the interval when the server is crowded.
2) SMTP server (Transmitting)
- SMTP server address
Set the IP address of transmitting mail server of
Maintenance Tool.
3) Mail address
- Set the mail address of Maintenance Tool.
Clicking [Close Advanced] closes Advanced screen.
[Setting of Com port]
To connect Mode, select the Com port to be used.
(3) Focussing on the air conditioning system desired to be
connected and pressing [Connect] will start the
procedure for connection. After completing the normal
connection, the screen moves to the online main screen
allowing normal online operation.
However when the connection method uses
[Modem(MN Converter)], the screen of the Modem
remote connection will appear. In this case, select the
Modem to be connected and proceed the connection
procedure.(Refer to Offline Analyze
(1) Clicking “Offline Analyze (Wide area access mode)”on the
section screen of Monitor mode.
Last click " ."