Remote Operation
Language Compatibility
The HP 8360 series synthesized sweepers support three HP-IB
programming languages; network analyzer language, SCPI (Standard
Commands for Programmable Instruments), and M.A.T.E. CIIL
language (Option 700).
Network Analyzer Language
HP 8360 series network analyzer language is syntactically and
semantically identical to the HP 8340/8341 HP-IB mnemonics.
However, fundamental hardware differences such as:
n command execution time,
n instrument diagnostics,
n and other hardware specific functions
exist and prevent executing an unmodified HP 8340/8341 program
successfully. For example, the HP 8360 series does not recognize or
accept the HP 8340/8341 learn string.
Test and Measurement System Language
SCPI is an HP-IB programming language developed by
Hewlett-Packard specifically for controlling electronic test and
measurement instruments. It is designed to conform to the IEEE
488.2 standard which provides codes, formats, protocols, and
common commands for use with IEEE 488.1-1987 that were
unavailable in the previous standard. SCPI provides commands that
are common from one Hewlett-Packard product to another for like
functions, thereby eliminating device specific commands.
Refer to “Getting Started Programming,” in Chapter 1 for
information on SCPI.
Control Interface Intermediate Language
CIIL is the instrument control programming language used in Option
700 HP 8360 series. Like the HP 8340/8341 E69, the Option 700 HP
8360 series is M.A.T.E.-compatible. Refer to the HP 8360 Option 700
Manual Supplement for information on this option.
Converting from
Table 3-8 illustrates the programming command in network analyzer
Network Analyzer
language and its equivalent SCPI programming command. In the
Language to
table, numbers enclosed by greater/less than symbols (<>) are
parameters. Braces ({})
are used to enclose one or more options
that may be used zero or more times. A vertical bar (I) can be read
as “or”, and it is used to separate alternative parameter options.
Optional numeric suffixes for SCPI commands are enclosed in square