Snap Lens Hinges into
slots on back of Motor Cover
60 Watts
Figure 41 Install Lens Cover and Light Bulbs
Push in
close Lens
A Install two 60 Watt light bulbs (not included) into Light
Sockets (Figure 41):
• Rough service, 130 Volt bulbs are recommended.
IB Install Lens into slots in Motor Cover.
£ Install Genie Emergency Release Kit (GER-2) accessory,
if purchased.
Installation is now complete.
Transmitters comply with all United Statesand Canadian legal requirements
asof the date of manufacture. No warranty is made that they comply with all
legal requirements of any other jurisdiction. Iftransmitters areto be used in
another country, the importer must determine compliance with any local
laws and regulations which may differ from United Statesand Canadian
requirements prior to use.
Los transmisores cumplen con todas las reglamentaciones legales de los
Estados Unidos y del Canad& enla fecha de fabricaci6n. Ninguna garantia
se da que cumpJan con todas as reglamentaciones legaJesde ninguna otra
jurisdicci6n. Si los transmisores se van a utilizar en otro pais,el importador
debe determinar sicumplen con lasreglamentaciones y byes localesque
puedan ser diferentes alas reglamentaciones de losEstados Unidos y del
Canad4, antesde usarlos mismos.
Les e_metteurssont conformes &lare_glementation am_ricaine et canadienne
compter de leur date defabrication. Aucune garantie n'est stipul@
indiquant qu'iJssont conformes _ toutes les prescriptions juridiques d'autres
autorit_s. Si les_metteurs sont utilis@sdans d'autres pays, ilincombe
I'importateur d'en d_terminer leur conformit_ aux loiset r@gleslocales
pouvant diff@rerde celles des Etats-Uniset du Canada avant toute
utiJisation desdits _metteurs.
Sendeger_ite entsprechen allen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen in den USA und
Kanada zum Zeitpunkt der Herstellung.Wir ubemehmen keine
Gew_ihrleistung for die Einhaltung alJergesetzlichen Bestimmungen in
anderen L_ndern. SolJenSendeger_te in anderen L_inderneingesetzt werden,
so muss der Importeur vor dem Gebrauch sicherstellen, dass die Sendeger_ite
auch solchen Iokalen Bestimmungen entsprechen, welche von den
Bestimmungen der USAund Kanadasabweichen.
_igb £_:d-,td,g:£_ b • 1-I_,o
A Monthly:
Door springs and door hardware:
- Oil door roller, bearings, and hinges using silicone
lubricant or light oil.
Do not operate door automatically or manually if springs
are broken. Contact a Genie Factory Authorized Dealer for
service or call Customer Service at 1-800-35-GENIE.
• Balance Door.
- Closedoor.
- ReleaseMagnetic Carriage Assembly from RailAssembly
by pulling down on EmergencyReleaseKnob.
- Raise door manually 3'- 4' and verify that door stays at
that position. See Check Step 2 on page 3.
When the door is 3'- 4' above the ground, the door
should stay open. Slight movement is acceptable. If
the door moves too much, contact a Genie Factory
Authorized Dealer for service or call Customer Service at
- Reattach Magnetic Carriage Assembly to Rail Assembly:
a. Pull the Emergency Release Knob toward Power Head.
b. Close door.
Contact ReverseTest.
- Perform Installation Step 10 on page 21.
If the door fails to reverse on contact with the board,
adjust the Close Force Control as specified in Set Limit
Switches and Force Controls on page 20. If the Opener
still fails,contact a Genie Factory Authorized Dealer for
service or call Customer Service at 1-800-35-GENIE.
IB Yearly:
• Wipe off old excess lubricant from Drive Screw.
• Lubricate Drive Screw with Genie Lubricant (GLU-3)
Use ONLY Genie Lubricant (GLU=3). Other lubricants
may damage the Opener.
All devices comply with Part lS of the FCCRules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, includ-
ing interference that may cause undesired operation.