
A Moving door can cause serious injury or death.
1 Keep people clear of opening while door is moving.
2 Do Not allow children to play with Wireless Keypad.
3 During programming, the door opener couldbegin
to run, so stay away from the moving door and its
parts.To keep the door from moving, dose the door
and disconnect it from the Openerby pulling the
Emergency Release.
If Safety Reverse does not work properly
1 Close door and disconnect the Opener using
Emergency Release Cord.
2 Do not use door Opener, Remote Controls, or
Wireless Keypad.
3 Refer to Door and Door Opener Owner's Manuals
before attempting any repairs.
FOR CONVENIENCE-- Program Keypad BEFOREmounting.
A Set Wireless Keypad PIN (Personal ID Number):
Activate programming mode.
- Press (in order)
- Red LEDblinks - once per second.
Enteryour PIN(3to 8 characters).
Programming One Door Operator:
Find the Learn Code Button and Learn Code
Indicator LEDon your door opener.
- Ifyour door opener has a black antenna
wire,the Learn Code Button and Indicator
LEDare located near the antenna.
(The light lens may need to be opened)
- Ifyour door opener doesnot have an
antenna, you have an external receiver.
The external receiver cover must be
removed to accessthe Learn Code
Button and Indicator LED.
Pressthe Learn Code Button.
- LearnCode Indicator LED(on Opener)
will blink.
Enteryour PINand press _.
- Learn Code Indicator LEDstayson.
- Learn Code Indicator LEDturns off.
RedLEDblinks-twice persecondandturnsoff.
Figure 1
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Operating One Door Operator:
To move the garage door:
- Enteryour PIN.
- PressC@.
If the door does not move, check the red LEDon
Keypad. If the LED is blinking rapidly,the PINwas
entered incorrectly. After the LEDstops blinking,
re-enter your PINand try again.
Any keypad button will control the door for
30 seconds after the door starts moving.
Rapid Blinking of the red LEDindicates an error.
After afew seconds the LEDwill turn off. Start over.
A Set Wireless Keypad PIN (Personal ID Number):
Activate programming mode.
- Press(in order) )).
- Red LEDblinks - once per second.
Enteryour PIN (3to 8 characters).
Press )).
- Red LEDblinks- twice per second and turns off.
B Programming the Keypad for Multiple Door openers:
Enteryour PIN and press }.
- Red LEDblinks - once per second.
Press again.
- Red LEDblinks - twice per second.
Pressthe number of doors (total) you wish
to control (@ or @).
Press ).
- Red LEDblinks severaltimes and turns off.
C Programming Door Openers:
Decide which door will be door #1,#2 and #3.
Pressthe Learn Code Button (seeFigure 1).
- Learn Code Indicator LED(on Opener) blinks.
Enteryour PIN and press _.
- Learn Code Indicator LEDstays on.
Pressthe number you have picked for this
door Opener(@ or @ or @).
- Learn Code Indicator LEDstays on.
" Press _.
- Learn Code Indicator LEDturns off,
B Repeat step A above for each door opener,
Eachdoor opener must be programmed to receive the
signal from the Wireless Keypad,
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