Envision Peripherals IM1609 08 Heat Pump User Manual

LonWorks Name SNVT Type SNVT Index SCPT Reference SCPT Index UCPT Index
Occupied Cooling Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Standby Cooling Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Occupied Heating Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Standby Heating Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
nciMinClgSetpt SNVT_temp_p 105 4 Minimum Cooling Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
nciMaxHtgSetpt SNVT_temp_p 105 3 Maximum Heating Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
nvoSpaceTemp SNVT_temp_p 105 Space or Zone Temperature Value (Read Only)
nvoDischAirTemp SNVT_temp_p 105 Discharge Air Temp Field Supplied Only (Read Only)
nvoEffClgSetpt SNVT_temp_p 105 Effective Cooling Setpoint Value (Read Only)
nviSpaceTemp SNVT_temp_p 105 Space or Zone Temperature Value Override(Write)
nvoEffHtgSetpt SNVT_temp_p 105 Effective Heating Setpoint Value (Read Only)
nciAux5LevP SNVT_lev_percent 81 Dehumidification Setpoint (Read/Write)
nciAux1Temp SNVT_temp_p 105 147 Heating Freeze Protection Temperature Setpoint Value (Read/Write)
nciAux2Temp SNVT_temp_p 105 148 Heating Freeze Protection Temperature Setpoint Value (Read/Write)
1st Stage Compressor Heating Output (Read Only)
1st Stage Compressor Cooling Output (Read Only)
Fan Output (Read Only)
Unit Mode of Operation (Read Only)
Unit Alarm mode (Read Only)
nciPropBand SNVT_temp_diff_p 147 177 Heating/Cooling Prop Band Input (Read/Write)
nciRemoteSetptMin SNVT_temp_diff_p 147 98 Warm/Cool Adjust Span (Read/Write)
nciRemoteSetptMax SNVT_temp_diff_p 147 97 Warm/Cool Adjust Offset Value (Read/Write)
nciTempOffset SNVT_temp_diff_p 147 11 Space or Zone Temperature Sensor Calibration Input (Read/Write)
nviSetpoint SNVT_temp_p 105 General Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
nvoHtgFrzPro1Tmp SNVT_temp_p 105 Heating Freeze Sensing Temperature Value (Read Only)
nvoHtgFrzSetpt SNVT_temp_p 105 Heating Freeze Sensing Temperature Setpoint Value (Read Only)
nvoAlarms SNVT_lev_cont 21
Alarms Enumerated [0=no alarms, 1=condensate alarm, 2=Compressor Hi Discharge
Pressure alarm, 3=Compressor low Suction Pressure alarm, 4=Freeze sensing
alarm, 8=Faulty Freeze Sensor alarm,
9=Loss of Charge]
(Read Only)
nvoPWMOut SNVT_volt 44 ECM PWM Control signal value (Read Only)
nvoECMOvrd SNVT_volt 44 ECM PWM Control signal Override (Read/Write)
nvoHumidity SNVT_volt 44 Space Humidity value (Read Only)
nviAO2 SNVT_lev_percent 81 Spare PWM Output AO2 Command (Write)
nvoAO2 SNVT_lev_percent 81 Spare PWM Output AO2 Value (Read Only)
nciBypassTime SNVT_time_min 123 SCPTbypassTime 34 Temporary Occupancy Time Period Input (Read/Write)
nvoEffectOccup SNVT_occupancy 109 Effective Occupancy State (Read Only)
nviOccManCmd SNVT_occupancy 109 Occupancy Override Command Input (Read/Write)
nviEmergOverride SNVT_hvac_emerg 103 Emergency Override Input (Read/Write)
nvoFanStatus SNVT_lev_disc 22 Fan Output Status (Read Only)
nvoAccStatus SNVT_lev_disc 22 Accessory 2 Output Status (Read Only)
nvoLP_WVStatus SNVT_lev_disc 22 Accessory 1 Output Status (Read Only)
nvoAlarmStatus SNVT_lev_disc 22 Alarm Output Status (Read Only)
nviAlarmReset SNVT_lev_disc 22 Alarm Reset Input (Read/Write)
nviFanSpeedCmd.StateSNVT_switch 95 Network equivelant of a thermostatic 'G' call. (Write)
nviComprEnable.State SNVT_switch 95 Network equivelant of a thermostatic 'Y1' call. (Write)
nviComprEnable.State SNVT_switch 95 Network equivelant of a thermostatic 'Y2' call. (Write)
nvoRV1Status SNVT_lev_disc 22 Reversing Valve Output Status (Read Only)
nviOccSchedule SNVT_tod_event 128 Occupancy Supervisory Scheduler Command Input (Read/Write)
nvoCompFanProv SNVT_lev_disc 22 Compressor/Fan Proving Switch Status (Read Only)
nvoDirtyFilter SNVT_lev_disc 22 Dirty Filter Switch Status (Read Only)
nvoComp2Status SNVT_lev_disc 22 Compressor Hi Capacity Command Status (Read Only)
nviBO5 SNVT_lev_disc 22 Command for output BO5 used for Emg Heat-Interlocked with Fan DP9Read/Write)
nviBO9 SNVT_lev_disc 22 Command for output BO9(Read/Write)
nvoBO5 SNVT_lev_disc 22 Value output for BO5 used for Emg Heat (Read Only)
nvoBO9 SNVT_lev_disc 22 Value output for BO9 (Read Only)
nviDehumEna.State SNVT_lev_disc 22 Dehumidification command-like a Humidistat (Read/Write)
Point Description
SCPTsetPntsnciSetpoints SNVT_temp_setpt 106
nvoUnitStatus SNVT_hvac_type 112
Envision Console Controls