Configuration, Startup and Operation 43
888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual Section 3: Configuration, Startup and Operation
PN 51-6888Xi December 2012
Table 3-4. System Parameters (3 of 3)
CPU Parameter Name Units Description
Y Contrast -- Display contrast. (120-220)
Y Password -- Xi Password: 4 numeric characters.
Y Enable Password -- Enable password protection. (No/Yes)
Flash Alarm -- Turn off/on the flashing on the main display when alarms occurred. (No/Yes)
N Version -- I/O board software version.
N Checksum -- I/O board software checksum.
N IOB SN -- I/O board serial number. Use this number for licensed feature code generation.
N Features -- Available advanced licensed features for the I/O board.
ON: Feature supported
OFF: Feature not supported
N Factory Mode -- I/O board factory mode (Always OFF, internal use only)
N Resource – Analog
-- I/O board analog output resource mapping. One for each probe:
Index 0x00000001 contains IOB AO
Index 0x00000002 contains TX AO
N Resource - Auto
-- I/O board auto calibration resource mapping. One for each probe:
Index 0x00000100 means SPS
Index 0x00000200 means IMPS
N Resource - Relay 1 -- I/O board’s relay 1 resource mapping. One for each probe:
Index 0x00010000 indicates IOB RELAY 1
N Resource - Relay 2 -- I/O board’s relay 2 resource mapping. One for each probe:
Index 0x02000000 indicates IOB RELAY 2