Optional Accessories 97
888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual Section 7: Optional Accessories
PN 51-6888Xi December 2012
7.5 IMPS 4000 Intelligent Multiprobe
Test Gas Sequencer
The IMPS 4000 Intelligent Multiprobe Test Gas Sequencer is housed within an IP56 (NEMA 4X)
enclosure and has the intelligence to provide calibration gas sequencing of up to four 6888Xi’s
to accommodate automatic and semi-automatic calibration routines.
This sequencer works in conjunction with the CALIBRATION RECOMMENDED feature, eliminat-
ing out-of-calibration occurrences and the need to send a technician to the installation site. In
addition, the IMPS 4000 provides a remote contact input to initiate a calibration from a remote
location and relay outputs to alert when a calibration is in progress, an O
Probe is out of calibra-
tion, calibration gases are on, and calibration gas pressure is low.
For more information, call Rosemount Analytical at 1-800-433-6076.
FIGURE 7-3. IMPS 4000 Intelligent Multiprobe Sequencer