Integrated Devices screen details
Integrated Devices screen allows you to view and configure the settings of all integrated devices
including the video controller, integrated RAID controller, and the USB ports.
In the System Setup Main Menu, click System BIOS → Integrated Devices.
The Integrated Devices screen details are explained below.
Menu Item Description
USB 3.0 Setting Allows you to enable or disable the USB 3.0 support Enable this option
only if your operating system supports USB 3.0. Disabling this allows
devices to operate at USB 2.0 speed. USB 3.0 is disabled by default.
User Accessible USB Ports Allows you to enable or disable the USB ports. Selecting Only Back Ports
On disables the front USB ports, selecting All Ports Off disables all USB
ports. The USB keyboard and mouse operates during boot process in
certain operating systems. After the boot process is complete, the USB
keyboard and mouse does not work if the ports are disabled.
NOTE: Selecting Only Back Ports On and All Ports Off will disable
the USB management port and also restrict access to iDRAC
Internal USB Port Allows you to enable or disable the internal USB port. By default, the
Internal USB Port option is set to Enabled.
Embedded NIC1 and NIC2 Allows you to enable or disable the Embedded NIC1 and NIC2 .If set to
Disabled, the NIC may still be available for shared network access by the
embedded management controller. Configure this function using the
NIC management utilities of the system.
I/OAT DMA Engine Allows you to enable or disable the I/OAT option Enable only if the
hardware and software supports the feature.
Embedded Video Controller Allows you to enable or disable the Embedded Video Controller. By
default, the embedded video controller is Enabled. If the Embedded
Video Controller is the only display capability in the system (that is, no
add-in graphics card is installed), then the Embedded Video Controller is
automatically used as the primary display even if the Embedded Video
Controller setting is
Current State of Embedded
Video Controller
Displays the current state of the Embedded Video Controller. Current
State of Embedded Video Controller is a read only field, indicating the
current state for the Embedded Video Controller.
SR-IOV Global Enable Allows you to enable or disable the BIOS configuration of Single Root I/O
Virtualization (SR-IOV) devices. By default, the SR-IOV Global Enable
option is set to Disabled.
OS Watchdog Timer If your system stops responding, this watchdog timer aids in the recovery
of your operating system. When this field is set to Enabled, the operating
system is allowed to initialize the timer. When is set to Disabled (the
default), the timer will have no effect on the system.
Memory Mapped I/O above
Allows you to enable support for PCIe devices that require large amounts
of memory. By default, the option is set to Enabled.
Slot Disablement Allows you to enable or disable available PCIe slots on your system. The
Slot Disablement feature controls the configuration of PCIe cards