Most common motor failures are due to either an open, grounded,
or short circuit. Directions below are specifically for single-phase
units, however, they also apply to 3-phase compressors. When a
single-phase compressor fails to start or run, 3 tests can help
determine the problem. First, all possible external causes should be
eliminated, such as overloads, improper voltage, pressure equal-
ization, defective capacitor(s), relays, wiring, and so forth. Com-
pressor has internal line-break overload, so be certain it is closed.
To determine if any winding has a break in the internal wires and
current is unable to pass through:
1. Be sure all power is off.
2. Discharge all capacitors.
3. Remove wires from terminals C, S and R.
4. Check resistance from C-R, C-S and R-S using an ohmme-
ter on 0-1000 ohm scale.
Because winding resistances are usually less than 10 ohms, each
reading appears to be approximately 0 ohm. If resistance remains
at 1000 ohms, an open or break exists, and compressor should be
CAUTION: Be sure internal line-break overload is not
temporarily open.
To determine if a wire has broken or come in direct contact with
shell, causing a direct short to ground:
1. Be sure all power is off.
2. Discharge all capacitors.
3. Remove wires from terminals C, S, and R.
4. On hermetic compressors, allow crankcase heaters to re-
main on for several hours before checking motor to ensure
windings are not saturated with refrigerant.
5. Use an ohmmeter on R X 10,000 ohm scale. A megohm-
meter may be used in place of ohmmeter. Follow manufac-
turer’s instructions.
6. Place 1 meter probe on ground or on compressor shell.
Make a good metal-to-metal contact. Place other probe on
terminals C, S, and R in sequence.
7. Note meter scale.
8. If reading of zero or low resistance is obtained, motor is
grounded. Replace compressor.
A 1 ton or less capacity compressor is probably grounded if
resistance is below 1 million ohms. On larger-sized, single-phase
compressors, resistance to ground should not be less than 1000
ohms per volt of operating voltage.
230 volts X 1000 ohms/volt = 230,000 ohms minimum.
To determine if any wires within windings have broken through
their insulation and made contact with other wires, thereby
shorting all or part of the winding(s), be sure the following
conditions are met:
1. Correct motor-winding resistances must be known before
testing, either from previous readings or from manufactur-
er’s specifications.
2. Temperature of windings must be as specified, usually
about 70°F.
3. Resistance-measuring instrument must have an accuracy
within±5to10percent. This requires an accurate ohmme-
ter, such as a Wheatstone bridge or null balance-type
4. Motor must be dry or free from direct contact with liquid
(Not advisable unless above conditions are met.)
1. Be sure all power is off.
2. Discharge all capacitors.
3. Remove wires from terminals C, S, and R.
4. Place instrument probes together and determine probe and
lead wire resistance.
5. Check resistance readings from C-R, C-S, and R-S.
6. Subtract instrument probe and lead resistance from each
If any reading is within ± 20 percent of known resistance, motor is
probably normal. Usually a considerable difference in reading is
noted if a turn-to-turn short is present.
CAUTION: Turn off all power to unit before proceed-
ing. Wear safety glasses and gloves when handling
refrigerants. Acids formed as a result of motor burnout
can cause burns.
NOTE: To analyze level of suspected contamination from com-
pressor burnout, use Total Test. See your distributor/branch.
Some compressor electrical failures can cause motor to overheat.
When this occurs, by-products, which include sludge, carbon, and
acids, can contaminate system. If burnout is severe enough, system
must be cleaned before replacement compressor is installed. The 2
types of motor burnout are classified as mild or severe.
In mild burnout, there is little or no detectable odor. Compressor
oil is clear or slightly discolored. An acid test of compressor oil
will be negative. This type of failure is treated the same as
mechanical failure. Liquid-line strainer should be removed and
liquid-line filter drier installed.
In a severe burnout, there is a strong, pungent, rotten-egg odor.
Compressor oil is very dark. Evidence of burning may be present
in tubing connected to compressor. An acid test of compressor oil
will be positive. Complete system must be reverse flushed with
refrigerant. Check-Flo-Rater™ or TXV must be cleaned or re-
placed. In a heat pump, accumulator and reversing valve are
replaced. These components are also removed and bypassed during
reverse-flushing procedure. Remove and discard liquid-line
strainer. After system is reassembled, install liquid-line and
suction-line filter driers. Run system for 2 hrs. Discard both driers
and install new liquid-line drier only.
Once it is determined that compressor has failed and the reason
established, compressor must be replaced.
CAUTION: Wear safety glasses and gloves when han-
dling refrigerants and when using brazing torch.
1. Shut off all power to unit.
2. Remove and recover all refrigerant from system until
pressure gages read zero psi. Use all service ports.
3. Disconnect electrical leads from compressor. Disconnect or
remove crankcase heater and remove compressor-holddown
4. Cut compressor from system with tubing cutters. Do not use
brazing torch for compressor removal. Oil vapor may ignite
when compressor is disconnected.