Instruction 24-9351
NOTE: Bacharach recommends that the PCA be calibrated
by your nearest Bacharach Service Center. Calibration,
however, can be performed in the field if your facility has the
necessary equipment and qualified personnel to perform the
procedures described in the sections that follow.
IMPORTANT! To prevent the loss of data during calibra-
tion, perform the following procedures with fresh batteries, or
using an optional Power Supply (see Section 3.2).
5.1 Sensor Check
IMPORTANT! Before turning on the analyzer or perform-
ing any of the calibration procedures, ensure that the ana-
lyzer will be sampling fresh air, and that the probe is at
room temperature.
When the analyzer is first turned on and allowed to cycle through its
60 second warmup period, and while sampling fresh air, the sensors are
checked (read) and calibrated (set) to the following ambient conditions:
• Oxygen sensor is spanned to 20.9%
• Carbon Monoxide sensor (if installed) is zeroed
• Nitric Oxide sensor (if installed) is zeroed
• Pressure sensor (if installed) is zeroed